
Australian Partners

Microstructural Analysis Unit

University of Technology, Sydney, NSW

Dr. Nicholas Bedford

School of Chemistry, UNSW, Sydney NSW

Prof. Clive Prestige

School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA

Professor Dr. Daniela Traini

Professor in Respiratory Science and NHMRC Investigator at the Faculty of Medicine, Macquarie University

Professor Mark Connor

Associate Dean, Higher Degree Research, Macquarie Medical School

International Partners

Prof. Osamu Terasaki

School of Physical Science and Technology, Shanghai Tech, China

Prof. Hernan Miguez

Spanish Research Council (CSIC), Institute of Material Sciences, Seville, Spain

Prof. Nicholas Hedin

Materials and Environmental Sciences, Stockholm University, Sweden

Prof. Luis Villaescusa

Dpt. Chemistry, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain

We are always keen on starting new collaborations!

Send an email to if you are interested in getting in touch with us.